Taubman College

Urban Land Institute/Hines Urban Design Student Team is finalist for “The Hill” Project, Houston

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A Michigan Urban Land Institute (ULI) /Hines Urban Design student team is one of four finalists in the national competition for a $50,000 prize for a design for a site in Houston. The project is "The Hill," and the students, all from Taubman College, are Jessica Hester (MS in Design Research), Laura Reading (MUP and Real Estate Development Cert.), Reid Fellenbaum (MArch), Anne Fennema (MUP and Real Estate Development Cert.), and Sylvia Harris (MUP and Real Estate Development Cert.). Suzanne Lanyi Charles is their faculty advisor. They competed against 138 other teams in the first round. Now they will compete against three other teams – from UC Berkeley, Columbia, and U of Colorado/Harvard – for the prize.

For more: click here.